1967 – 2013

3789446515_d248c865bf_zI think many of us forget how far along we are in interracial marriage being legal in the United States. It was only in 1967 that laws against inter-racial marriage were deemed unconstitutional. In 2012, a study revealed that 8.2% of all current marriages are interracial (2.16.12 Interracial marriage in the US climbs to a new high, but Huffington Post). This is a 3.2% growth since 1980. Not only this, but  15% of new marriages in 2010 were interracial marriages.

In this same article by Huffington post, it is stated that those in the West  (Ca, HI, NM, NV in particular) are the most likely to marry outside of their ethnic background by 1 in 5.

Do you know what interracial marriages produce? Multi-ethnic children.

For more information, see


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